November at Integrative Healing Arts Studio

November Blessings! The air has turned cooler, the evenings come earlier, and the leaves are turning their beautiful colors and falling one by one. November teaches us to let go…

It’s not easy to let go of the warm sunny days of summer and the bountiful harvests it brings. But nature has its cycles, as do we, and with each changing season we have a new opportunity. The trees let go of their leaves to make room for next year’s growth. They gracefully drop their leaves, returning them to the soil which will provide vital nutrients back to them over time.

It is a time of settling in and preparing for rest but too often we push against the cycles of nature and keep plugging away at our daily lives. In order to get the most out of this season and honor the body, mind, and spirit, there are some simple changes we can make.

Our activities should really just be limited to the ones that are truly essential, (easier said than done, I know) There is less energy around so we have to conserve energies and this includes letting go of thoughts or beliefs that no longer serve us. Holding onto to these thought forms limits our ability to take in new ideas, preventing us from moving forward. This time of year is also a good time to go through your cupboards and belongings and getting rid of anything you don’t need because in clearing away the old, we are now receptive to the new!

Change your diet with the seasons, now is a time to eat warm hearty foods like soups and stews that nourish the body and support the immune system. Heavy grains, seeds, roots, root vegetables, and squashes help move the body’s energy inward for the Winter. Pungent (spicy) flavors also correspond to the Metal element and pungent flavors range from hot and warm like cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, anise and ginger, onions and radish to the cooling mints and lemon balms. The fragrance of these pungent foods help to stimulate the appetite, increase digestion, create warmth and circulation, and dispel phlegm and mucus.  Add warming spices to mulled ciders, warm applesauce, baked fruits and desserts or simply sip on a warming cup of tea.  Aromatic herbs like sage, rosemary and thyme help to circulate Qi and stimulate the digestion, and mints can help drain sinus congestion. This butternut squash soup is simple to make and supports your stomach Qi and digestion. Sprinkle some nettle leaves on for added nourishment and energy.

Make sure to honor your body and get rest when it is needed. Spend some time nurturing yourself with restorative yoga, massage therapy, Reiki, meditation, and warm baths.  Get out for a relaxing walk in nature through the falling leaves and breathe in the crisp cool air. It’s also a perfect time to warm the body with a hot stone massage.

The Small Business Saturday Open House is right around the corner. The studio will be open with some great specials you won’t want to miss.

Hope to see you in November!

About Christina

B.S., L.M.T., BCTMB, Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Clinical Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Owner of Integrative Healing Arts Studio, West Reading, Pa.

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