Vibrational Waters


Some of my pretty roll on vibrational waters here at the studio. Pure essential oils with crystal essences and healing Reiki energy. Shown are uplifting citrus blend with citrine, warming cinnamon blend with carnelian, peaceful patchouli blend with green aventurine, calming lavender and amethyst, and rose with Rose Quartz.

Plantain Ointment

Plantain Ointment

Here’s a fresh batch of handcrafted plantain ointment for the studio’s healing boutique, just in time for outdoor summer activities.  Some may view this as a pesky summer weed but plantain (Plantago major) has a long list of medicinal uses! Some of its therapeutic actions include anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent, emollient, and wound healing…just to name a few! These actions make it a handy little first aid ointment for bug bites and stings and minor cuts and skin irritations. This little ointment fits perfectly into a pocket so you can take it with you on your adventures.  A helpful healing plant tip: next time you get a but bite outside try picking a leaf of the plantain, crumple it a bit and then rub it on the affected area, (don’t forget to thank the plant 😉

Shungite “Stone of Life”

Shungite is known as the “stone of life” and is a powerful protector for the mind and body, shielding from EMF’s, and all types of negative energies. This wonderful stone is calming and relaxing and brings in positive light and energy to the wearer. You can find this pretty bead bracelet in the studio’s Healing Boutique.

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