For thousands of years the Elder tree has been revered for its medicinal and mystical properties. It has been said that King Charlemagne decreed Elder to be planted throughout his realm in the 700 C.E. as a readily available “medicine cabinet” My mother, who was born and raised in a mountain village in Germany recalls how common it was to see an Elder by someone’s home no matter where you went.
For clients here at the studio I have a selection of handcrafted teas and tinctures made with elderberry and elderflower. Clients can also shop my online dispensary for other elderberry wellness supplements.
As we enter the winter months and focus on seasonal wellness, I thought I’d put together a list of resources for you to explore the magic and medicine of Elderberry and Elderflower:
The ABC Clinical Guide to Elderberry
Elderberry Myth and Magic
Alchemical Herb Profile-Elderberry
Elderberry compounds could help minimize flu symptoms, study suggests
The Truth about Elderberry
Elder and Immune Health