Plantain Ointment

Plantain Ointment

Here’s a fresh batch of handcrafted plantain ointment for the studio’s healing boutique, just in time for outdoor summer activities.  Some may view this as a pesky summer weed but plantain (Plantago major) has a long list of medicinal uses! Some of its therapeutic actions include anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent, emollient, and wound healing…just to name a few! These actions make it a handy little first aid ointment for bug bites and stings and minor cuts and skin irritations. This little ointment fits perfectly into a pocket so you can take it with you on your adventures.  A helpful healing plant tip: next time you get a but bite outside try picking a leaf of the plantain, crumple it a bit and then rub it on the affected area, (don’t forget to thank the plant 😉